USA Great Reset Tyranny
Klaus Schwab’s deceptively incompetent Great Reset plant, Pete Buttigieg has made a mockery of the office of the Department of Transportation. And as a tentacle of the World Economic Forum’s…
Pluto’s Return and the Rebirth of Individual Freedom
The United States’ first Pluto’s Return has just begun on the auspicious day of 2/22/2022.
Former Pfizer VP Says The COVID-19 Vaxx Program Is Part Of A Worldwide Conspiracy And A “Criminal Manufacture”
Former Pfizer VP Dr. Michael Yeadon lays out a litany of evidence for The Court of Public Opinion’s Grand Jury. More videos can be found at A group of…
Australian Great Reset Tyranny
As Jamie White writes “Australian police have been deploying directed energy weapons (DEWs) against the peaceful Freedom Convoy protesters around the capital, according to reports.Disturbing videos and photos circulating social…
Canadian Great Reset Tyranny
The next step on the New World Order Agenda is being normalized by Trudeau’s unprecedented power grab. And very soon the graduates of tyranny will follow suit. Creating an environment…
New Zealand Great Reset Tyranny
The new tyranny is finally rearing its ugly head.As the graduates of the World Economic Forum’s Young Leaders are forcing tyranny onto the world stage. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda…