In the immediate aftermath of the heinous murder of eight at an Atlanta massage parlor and spa this week, the media and the political left sought to leverage the killings to peddle yet another “anti-racism” narrative. Now, it turns out, there was no racial motivation behind the attack.
Speaking to NPR, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) director Christopher Wray revealed on Friday:
“So obviously, it’s a heartbreaking incident, and it hits particularly close to home for me since I consider Atlanta home,” Wray said. “And so I certainly grieve for the victims and their families.”
“The FBI is supporting state and local law enforcement, specifically APD, the Atlanta Police Department, and the [Cherokee County] Sheriff’s Office. So we’re actively involved but in a support role… And while the motive remains still under investigation at the moment, it does not appear that the motive was racially motivated. But I really would defer to the state and local investigation on that for now.”
The news comes at an awkward time for President Biden, as he makes his way down to Atlanta to further peddle the false racism narrative.
According to the Wall Street Journal:
Robert Aaron Long, the suspect in the killing of eight people at three massage parlors in the Atlanta area, told investigators that he targeted the businesses because he blamed them “for providing an outlet for his addiction to sex,” law-enforcement officials said.
Mr. Long, who is in custody, took responsibility for the shootings and said he acted alone, according to the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office.
“It’s a temptation for him that he wanted to eliminate,” Capt. Jay Baker said. “He said it was not racially motivated.”
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The National Pulse is a part of the American Principles Project.

Original Story: FBI Says Atlanta Spa Killings ‘Not Racially Motivated’ As Biden Flies Down to Peddle False Narrative.

By Mark

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