An international group of scientists called for a new investigation into the origins of COVID-19 over fears the current probe is compromised by the Chinese Communist Party.
“We wish to raise public awareness of the fact that half of the joint team convened under that process is made of Chinese citizens whose scientific independence may be limited, that international members of the joint team had to rely on information the Chinese authorities chose to share with them, and that any joint team report must be approved by both the Chinese and international members of the joint team,” the open letter published in The Wall Street Journal reads.
The letter also follows National Pulse reporting exposing American and French World Health Organization (WHO) having potential conflicts of interest with the Chinese government.
“We have therefore reached the conclusion that the joint team did not have the mandate, the independence, or the necessary accesses to carry out a full and unrestricted investigation into all the relevant SARS-CoV-2 origin hypotheses — whether natural spillover or laboratory/research-related incident,” the letter adds.
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Natalie Winters
Natalie Winters is a Senior Reporter at the National Pulse and producer of The National Pulse TV show.

Original Story: Scientists Demand New COVID-19 Probe After WHO Investigation Compromised By Chinese Communist Party.

By Mark

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