Governor Tom Wolf today signed a Proclamation of Disaster Emergency to provide additional support to Philadelphia after several days of unrest following the shooting death of Walter Wallace Jr. by two members of the Philadelphia Police Department.

“Over the last few days, hundreds of people have gathered to peacefully speak out against social injustice, but their voices are being drowned out by others who are taking advantage of this fragile time in their city to sow mayhem and discord,” Gov. Wolf said. “I signed this proclamation so commonwealth resources can be provided quickly to protect lives and property.”

The proclamation authorizes state agencies to use all available resources and personnel, as necessary, to cope with the magnitude and severity of this emergency situation. The time-consuming bidding and contract procedures, as well as other formalities normally prescribed by law, are waived for the duration of the proclamation.

A Proclamation of Disaster Emergency is effective for a 90-day period unless sooner rescinded or extended by official action of the Governor.

Original Story:

By Mark

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