UPDATED 1:50 PM PT – Friday, March 12, 2021
Former Homeland Security acting secretary Chad Wolf said the Biden administration’s border policies are fueling the immigration crisis seen right now.
In an interview this week, Wolf explained the Trump administration had the most secure border seen in some time. This, however has been replaced with the failed “catch and release” policy. He said until the administration gets serious about enforcing the rule of law, they will continue to see the crisis unfold and the number of migrants spiral out of control.
.@ChadFWolf on #CPACNow: Until the Biden administration decides to get serious about enforcement, the #BidenBorderCrisis will continue to unfold. pic.twitter.com/HUWByowCaM
— CPAC 2021 (@CPAC) March 11, 2021

“The only way that you end a crisis like this is to have strong enforcement, a strong deterrent message and not let these individuals in,” Wolf stated. “As long as we keep funding reception centers, as long as we keep allowing these individuals to come in and remain here in the U.S., you’re going to continue to see the numbers increase.”
Wolf added the administration’s message of “you can come, but don’t come now” is dangerous. He went on to say there’s nothing humane about prompting people to make a dangerous journey because they’ll be let into the country.

Original Story: Wolf: Strong enforcement needed to end border crisis

By Mark

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