Rep. Jayapal: Democrat Senators Understand Filibuster Must Be Reformed or Eliminated

Pam Key
8 Mar 2021
Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) said Monday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that Democratic senators understood to forward President Joe Biden’s agenda, Democrats will “have to reform or eliminate the filibuster.”
Jayapal said, “We know the origins of the filibuster were in the power of Southern white segregationists to be able to make sure that certain pieces of civil rights legislation does not pass. So I think that we have to be aware of that, and I’m glad Senator Manchin is signaling some openness. I think I have talked to a lot of Democratic senators who really understand if we’re going to deliver on the promises President Biden made open the campaign trail that we Democrats made, we’re going to have to reform or eliminate the filibuster.”
“There’s just no other way around it,” she added. “The $15 minimum wage was one example of that in this last package, but we shouldn’t be twisting ourselves into pretzels to try to agree, get the parliamentarian to agree with us that something fits into reconciliation. We should actually be reforming the filibuster.”
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ClipsPoliticsDemocratic PartyFilibusterPramila JayapalSenate

Original Story: Rep. Jayapal: Democrat Senators Understand Filibuster Must Be Reformed or Eliminated

By Mark

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