YouTube announced Wednesday that the Google-owned video platform would outright remove content critical of the 2020 election results and would only promote videos from corporate media.
“Yesterday was the safe harbor deadline for the U.S. Presidential election and enough states have certified their election results to determine a President-elect,” YouTube released in a statement. “Given that, we will start removing any piece of content uploaded today (or anytime after) that misleads people by alleging widespread fraud or errors changed the outcome.”

It’s clear however that YouTube’s censorship of election reporting only goes one way, implemented for the first time two years after Imaginary Georgia Gov. Stacey Abrams has repeatedly refuted the results of her lost 2018 gubernatorial race as unfair contrary to the evidence.

YouTube will also still feature bogus claims that Russia stole the 2016 presidential election with a couple hundred thousand dollars in Facebook ads, a favorite narrative of the corporate media even after a more than two-year investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller made no such conclusion.
As of this writing, former Vice President Joe Biden has captured his first term in the White House with 306 electoral votes to President Donald Trump’s 232. Trump however, has launched legal challenges in several tipping point states to contest the outcome, alleging widespread voter fraud in a race that was decided by less than 45,000 votes across three states. Whether there was enough fraud to manipulate the outcome remains an open question to be decided by the courts. As to whether fraud actually took place however, there’s no question.
YouTube Will Ban Claims Of 2020 Vote Fraud, But Will Allow Russia Hoax (