(Natural News) According to Facebook, making jokes about left-wing politicians “incites violence” and can no longer be tolerated on the social media platform.
The satire publication Babylon Bee learned this the hard way after Mark Zuckerberg’s team demonetized its page over an article poking fun at Hawaii Sen. Mazie Hirono.
In it, Bee authors pulled a joke from the cult classic Monty Python to suggest that Hirono wants to weigh Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett against a duck to see if she might be a witch.
“Oh, she’s a witch alright, just look at her!” the Bee jokingly quoted Hirono in what was obviously satire.
“Just look at the way she’s dressed and how she’s so much prettier and smarter than us! She’s in league with Beelzebub himself, I just know it! We must burn her!”
The satire article goes on to talk about Hirono pulling out a live duck from a burlap sack and announcing that because she is “quite wise in the ways of science,” she will weigh ACB alongside the duck to determine ACB’s witch status.
It is silliness to the extreme, and all in good fun. But Facebook did not see it that way, likening the burning at the stake references to actual violence against politicians.
“So after a manual review, Facebook says they stand by their decision to pull down this satire article and demonetize our page,” announced Bee creator and CEO Seth Dillon on Twitter.
“They say this article ‘incites violence.’ It’s literally a regurgitated joke from a Monty Python movie!”
More of the latest news about social media censorship can be found at Censorship.news.
Lindsey Graham has failed for three years to tackle the Big Tech problem
Dillon went on to question who at Facebook is so offended by a mere joke that they felt the need or propulsion to equate humor as some kind of violent threat.
“In what universe does a fictional quote as part of an obvious joke constitute a genuine incitement to violence?” Dillon asks. “How does context not come into play here?”
“They’re asking us to edit the article and not speak publicly about internal content reviews. Oops, did I just tweet this?”
Meanwhile, a Black Lives Matter leader recently announced on social media that if the system does not conform to the way BLM wants it to that its members will “burn down this system.” Facebook, of course, had no problem with this announcement.
“You can quote it. You can link to it. But a Monty Python joke about burning a witch at the stake? That’s incitement to violence,” Dillon added, calling the whole thing a clown show.
Refusing to obey the bullies at Facebook, Dillon further made it clear that he and his team have no intention of editing the article simply to have monetization reinstated.
“We will, however, be talking to the media about this,” he concluded.
A few weeks back, Facebook did much the same thing to thousands of groups and pages linked to QAnon, which it also accused of “inciting violence.”
Though many of these pages were not monetized, Facebook decided that they still had to go because they allegedly foster “militarized social movements,” even as BLM and Antifa continue to use Facebook to organize “protests” that involve assaulting people, destroying property and thieving from businesses.
While the Senate Judiciary Committee, headed by Sen. Lindsey Graham, was supposed to vote this week on subpoenaing the CEOs of both Facebook and Twitter, that vote has been delayed for the time being.
“Am I the only one who knows he has done nothing as Chairman of the Judicial Committee in three years?” asked one commenter at The Right Scoop about the failure of Graham to get anything substantial done while at the helm.
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