The Banking Cartel’s School For Judas Goats
How corrupt leaders were given marching orders to create the Great Reset’s angry world we see today.
News Uncensored
How corrupt leaders were given marching orders to create the Great Reset’s angry world we see today.
As China’s arsenal of hypersonic weapons becomes more of an international threat as Chinese troops amass on the waters outside of Taiwan and the Atlantic coast of Africa. But If…
Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself.
The international banking cartel is poised to start their next world war.
The genocidal globalist’s attempt to cull the human herd and create a godless world of enslavement.
More media lies to strip away the voice of the people
Part 1: How The Mandates End.Part 2: How The Revolution Begins.Part 3: How to Overthrow Governments – The Color Revolution Formula.
General Mark Milley of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has been privately working with the CCP.
Another dangerous story is being spun by the mainstream media ahead of the 20th anniversary of 9/11
A story from February shows us how the banks and big pharma set it up so that we’d pay for our own demise.