Chuck Smith, a Republican candidate for Attorney General of Virginia, declared Democrat gun laws unconstitutional and called big government gun grabs a hate crime, in a video laying out his plans to restore Virginians’ Second Amendment rights upon winning office.
Smith, a Virginia Beach-based Marine Corps veteran and attorney, is one of four candidates seeking the GOP nod to compete to be his state’s next Attorney General. Having raised over $147,000, he appears to be the front runner to take on incumbent Mark Herring, a blackface-wearing Democrat and close political ally of Governor Ralph Northam.
Second Amendment issues are at the forefront of the Attorney Generals’ race, following two years of near-constant assault on Virginians’ gun rights by Bloomberg-sponsored Democrats who won control of the state’s legislature in 2019, amidst massive redistricting efforts.
Smith begins the video by making a promise to “declare unconstitutional every gun restriction law that was passed by the Virginia General Assembly,” a move that would represent a complete reversal from Herring’s devout defense of Democrat gun control and confiscation bills.
“Our founders gave us a constitution and in it, they guaranteed the right to bear arms,” says Smith. “They didn’t say may not be infringed, they didn’t say might not be infringed, they said shall not be infringed.”

“The Constitution cannot be quarantined,” Smith told viewers of efforts to curb liberty in the name of public health and safety. “The 2nd Amendment cannot be socially distanced…It ought to be a hate crime for Americans to hate other Americans so much that they would strip their 2nd Amendment rights away from them.”
Smith went on to call for the return of law and order to America’s cities, citing the fatal left-wing riots of summer 2020 – which left dozens dead – as yet another reason why the right to bear arms must never be infringed, before asking viewers to join him in his defense of America’s founding principals and never surrender.
“If the defense of America stands nowhere else, if the dream of America, its constitution, its value, its Second Amendment live in no one else, it lives in me, in you, in us,” Smith says as the video wraps up. “Join with us, stand with us, because we’re not going to turn around…we will not surrender.”
Tags: 2021 election2nd AmendmentChuck SmithvideoVirginiaVirginia Attorney GeneralShare to Gab

Original Story: VIRGINIA: Republican Attorney General Candidate Promises To Declare Democrat Gun Laws Unconstitutional

By Mark

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