Illegal immigrants have been flooding to the southern border of the United States, and they’re bringing COVID-19 with them.
According to the CBP, Illegal immigrants are testing positive for COVID at a rate double the national average, but Texas Governor Greg Abbott says is accusing the Biden administration of withholding data from his state about the total number of illegals caught at the border who have tested positive for COVID-19.
Abbott, during an interview with Fox News on Sunday, said Texas “is responsible for fully reporting out anybody in our state who has COVID-19,” and that the Biden administration “has refused and failed to give to our state the total number of migrants who have COVID-19.”
Despite the apparent lack of concern about illegal immigrants spreading COVID-19 in the United States, Biden’s approval rating for his handling of the pandemic stands at 68 percent.
The Biden administration is also keeping immigrant children in horrible, worse-than-prison-like conditions. According to a report from CBS, a “staggering number” of illegal immigrant minors detained at the Border Patrol facility in Donna, Texas, are struggling with “overcrowded conditions,” with children sleeping on floors, going hungry, and going a week without showering. The facility is operating at 729 percent of its capacity.
Illegal border crossings plummeted during the Trump administration—an undeniable result of Trump’s zero-tolerance policy for illegal immigrants. The border wall also proved to be successful in blocking illegal crossings. Illegal border crossings have skyrocketed to six times what the Obama administration deemed crisis-level since immigrants started heading to the United States’ southern border after the election, believing Biden would deliver on amnesty.
National File’s Patrick Howley has been on a social media tear and will stop at nothing until the world knows the truth.
Original Story: Biden Admin Covering Up Number of Illegal Aliens With COVID, Texas Gov. Warns