Google-owned YouTube has memory-holed the entire CPAC speech of the former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump. In a stunningly authoritarian move, the Chinese Communist-linked corporation (which hosts pedophilia videos) took down the videos on Thursday, March 4th.
The Post Millennial reports:
YouTube, the Google-owned video hosting platform, has suspended Right Side Broadcasting Network from its service for two weeks and deleted all its videos of former President Donald Trump’s Feb. 28 speech at CPAC.
Right Side Broadcasting issued a statement:
“It’s worth noting that according to YouTube’s terms, our video of Trump’s CPAC speech would have been allowed to stay up had we provided ‘countervailing viewpoints’. Essentially we would have had to go on air and say everything Trump just said about election fraud is not true,” they stated. “Even if we believed that, we wouldn’t sell out like that and say it just to keep a video up. We try to follow the rules. Don’t air certain things that we normally would—but we won’t censor President Trump or push back against things he says that, quite frankly, we agree with.”
“Our network provides very little in the way of commentary. We basically just turn a camera on and show you what’s happening- and let you decide. People can choose to watch it, not watch it, hate it or love it. That’s called freedom. If that’s no longer allowed then God help us,” wrote RSBN.
You can still watch the entirety of Trump’s CPAC speech on Rumble, embedded below:
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The National Pulse is a part of the American Principles Project.

Original Story: YouTube Has Removed Trump’s CPAC Speech. So Here It Is, In Full…

By Mark

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