Senate Covid Relief Bill Earmarks $5 Million For USDA ‘Equity Commissions’
John Carney
4 Mar 2021
The massive $1.9 trillion spending package being considered by the Senate includes over $1 billion for “socially disadvantaged farmers” and $5 million for commissions to study racial equity issues inside the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Critics of the bill have said it spends too much money on issues unrelated to the pandemic or its economic fallout.
President Biden has challenged critics to identify things that could be cut.
“Now, critics say the plan is too big, that it costs too much. But let me ask a rhetorical question: What would you have me cut? What would you have me cut out?” Biden said on February 25.
The text of the bill was posted Thursday by CNN.
EconomyPoliticsFarmerspandemicRelief BillSenateUSDA

Original Story: Senate Covid Relief Bill Earmarks $5 Million For USDA ‘Equity Commissions’

By Mark

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